Deliver the Award

Who Can Deliver?

Any organization or community group relates to youth activities can deliver the Award, such as junior high schools, high schools, colleges, vocational schools, schools for disabled children, business corporations, volunteer groups, sports clubs, and any institutions targeting young people aged 14~24.

How to Register

How to Register

We shall arrange a meeting to explain about the Award entry. Please feel free to contact us.

How to start a program

  1. Recruit a few adults to run the Award as an Award Leader, Assessor and Activity Coach.
  2. Secure finance. (The Award needs some funds to purchase operational Handbook, equipment and etc.)
  3. Promote the Award to young people by displaying the Award promotional advertisement on a prominent place. It is necessary to add your contact information so that young people interested in the Award can contact.
  4. Recruit around 5~20 young people to participate, and Award coordinator holds an orientation to explain the Award. You can ask the Award Japan office to hold an orientation.
  5. Ensure participants fulfill the application form with guardian’s consent.
  6. Provide a record book to each participant.
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